Hey bakery boss!  Are you struggling with burnout?  Not sure if your pricing is covering your costs? Maybe your menu is looking like a 2ft. long Wal-Mart grocery receipt, and you need help getting your recipes in line? 

If this sounds familiar then let me introduce you to our flagship online course, Menu planning for profit!  This course covers all the strategic steps for creating a profit driven menu, as well as the steps for how price it.

coming soon!

Menu Planning For Profit

Our flagship online course:

My business took off and I more than doubled my sales to gross over 250k by 2022, making only wedding cakes (my dream orders!) and with only three base recipes!  

And when I finally did, everything changed.

This course is packed with information that took me years to apply to my own business. 

PLUS bonus cookie recipes FOR FREE!

and so much more!

How to price profitably, including for custom items (like custom cakes!)

Why less is more (and how to condense your menu strategically)

The mindset skills for menu creation 

Why charging based on ingredient costs isn't as effective as you think it is

Topics covered:

what's included

If you're tired of feeling burnt out, stressed over your pricing and wishing your dream clients would (finally) start noticing you, then drop your email below to be notified when this course becomes available!  

Menu Planning For Profit

join the waitlist

We're cooking up a podcast so you can listen in on hot tips and advice for running your bakery business while whisking away in the kitchen!  

Sign up below to be notified when our first episodes are released!

you're gonna want to hear this!

coming soon!